If you clicked this link I think you’d like to know a bit about who you might be spending some vacation time with. I don’t blame you!
I was inspired to start this service after looking for just this type of help for myself when traveling abroad. I worked in corporate America for a decade, taking my precious 2 weeks of vacation each year to explore new cities in Europe.
I was always looking for that person in between the museum-only tour guide who will take you on the same tour that everyone, all day goes on and the local guy who will drive you around the city center but may not be formally educated in the history and art of the city.
So I figured I can’t be the only traveler out there looking for something tailored for me!

But why Paris? Nothing excites me more than learning, sharing, and discussing Parisian art, history, movies, literature, and culture. Rome, Florence, Athens, Olympia, and of course Paris were often settings in my favorite books. Oh, I should add that I do have my Masters in English Literature and minored in French. My love of art history, linguistics, sociology and psychiatry studies, ancient history, and European history spurred my study of literature and language. And Paris was always at the center.
So one day I quit my corporate IT job and my husband and I moved to Paris so I could start this business. The city has more romance, secrets, history,